Just a thought

Let's not judge one another, let God do the judging.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Who is this man?

It's a funny story, I guess.  We first met what would be our pastor now while Mama MB was going through with her cancer battles.   She'd committed herself to church and accepted Jesus Christ as her saviour.  I hear pastor tell me now that her first calling to the church she begged that he lead her to Jesus so that when she passed on, she would be accepted into heaven. 

I'd never seen myself from anyone elses eyes, never knew what light I let out for others to see. I did know, then, that I wasn't accepting religion.  I was a pronounced Agnostic and honestly, I doubt I even knew what that was exactly.  I was no atheist, I Just didn't know what or who to believe. Nor did I care ..

So Mama MB was losing her breast to cancer.  The day of the surgery was stressful, of course,  but we'd gone through worse.   I was a bit shocked to meet this man she called her pastor, he was a nice looking fella and super nice also. 

Today he says I was very standoffish (my words). I can't see that, ever. Can you?

I guess it was just shocking to see this man, complete stranger, there to pray with my Mama MB and to just be there as she went through this.  It didn't register then, but now ... Now I get it. 

What would Jesus do? 

He would do the same thing, that the love and life we are suppose to live.  There aren't enough words in the world to give enough thanks to my pastor for everything. 

One of these days, I shall have the words.  Until then, will keep praising God and praying he lend me the words. 

1 comment:

  1. I think every one goes through their own "now I get it" moments. The struggles I have now, the battle with having to "have control", the eye opening about the example I was setting the kids- I got a million of 'am. But probably none as stark as yours. I am so glad you got it!
